
Jeffrey A McDonald in the Limelight

Commercial Photographer, Jeffrey A McDonald

Jeffrey A McDonald is a South Florida based commercial photographer specializing in product and fashion photography.  Formerly trained at The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, McDonald has gained the widespread knowledge of amazing professors such as internationally known landscape photographer Steven Nestler, 30+ year wedding photographer Don Sheffield, and Valen Evars, who spent the better part of her early years as a model and fashion photographer in Milan Italy.  

With an exceptional understanding of the most sought after genres of photography, Jeffrey has pioneered a very unique style using multiple lighting scenarios and exposures to capture a single subject.  Combine this with his exceptional retouching skills, Jeffrey delivers a very photorealistic, yet illustrative look.  McDonald describes: “Building an image from the ground up is what brings excitement into each and every project.  It’s not just about knowing how to use your camera, but how to use it in conjunction with all of the other tools available to you. You have to plan each and every exposure to be able to bring the product to life when editing.  Being able to create a perfect image that’s rich and realistic, yet can’t be achieved with a single exposure is what drives me to be the best at what I do.” 

You can see more of Jeffrey’s work at www.jeffreyamcdonald.com and by viewing his LULA profile page.